Unity Video Game Design
Unity Game includes PBD fluid/softbody simulation, PCG etc.
My name is Jiaxi Xu. I am a Master student from Georgia Tech, major in compueter science with a concentration in CG and AI. To me, CG is about how to rehabilitate a world virtually and use that technique to better understand the real world. Please have a seat, scroll down to know more about me.
Unity Game includes PBD fluid/softbody simulation, PCG etc.
Pattern transformation and animation
Disk cutting along a geodesic path
Draw triangle Mesh via both GUI and Delaunay algo
Eye-ray Detaction and Lambertian Shading Equation
Area lights, distribution ray tracing, shadow, reflection, motion blur
Implement techniques used in a graphics library that is similar in design to early versions of OpenGL
Built an object model with three.js program in TypeScript.
My machinima
GLSL Fragment and Vertex shaders
Shoot me an email for any question you have : )