I build value through graphics

My name is Jiaxi Xu. I am a Master student from Georgia Tech, major in compueter science with a concentration in CG and AI. To me, CG is about how to rehabilitate a world virtually and use that technique to better understand the real world. Please have a seat, scroll down to know more about me.

Recent Work

Unity Video Game Design

Unity Game includes PBD fluid/softbody simulation, PCG etc.

Pattern Design

Pattern transformation and animation

Geodesic Cut

Disk cutting along a geodesic path


Draw triangle Mesh via both GUI and Delaunay algo

Ray Tracing Spheres

Eye-ray Detaction and Lambertian Shading Equation

More Complicated Ray Tracing

Area lights, distribution ray tracing, shadow, reflection, motion blur

Projection and Line Drawing

Implement techniques used in a graphics library that is similar in design to early versions of OpenGL

3D Object Modeling

Built an object model with three.js program in TypeScript.

Animation in a Scene

My machinima


GLSL Fragment and Vertex shaders

Get In Touch

Shoot me an email for any question you have : )

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    350 Ferst Drive
    Atlanta, GA 30332
    United States
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